Call Center looking for customer service representative.



Responsible and accountable for taking inbound calls from active and potential clients as well as employees. This position includes answering employee and client questions, directing calls to the appropriate staff members, researching and resolving issues, handling client scheduling changes, answering program questions including but not limited, website, and nutrition (according to Company guidelines). Additionally, CSR's are responsible for non-phone tasks such as web and hard mail correspondence.

Customer Service
- Answers incoming calls from queue in a professional and courteous manner;
- Ensure that customer and business partner requests are fulfilled and questions are answered in an accurate, knowledgeable and efficient manner;
- Escalate calls to supervisor;
- Ensure that caller issues are resolved and followed-up in a timely manner;
- Renders assistance to employees in emergency situations;
- Enter appropriate comments and notes within customer database.


Base hourly compensation - $1.5/hr USD plus commissions.


Must have flexible availability between 8 AM - 6 PM (Pasific Time) and work at least one weekend day (Saturday or Sunday)

Must have computer and android sell phone as well as hi speed Internet for answering all calls from Home Base.

Contact Informatio: vider: +15877008663 e-mail: ConnorSerenity@gmail.com
Тип: Вакансия
Автор: Александр | Все объявления автора
Дата: 28.10.2017 22:18
Номер: 1597985
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